Mental Wellbeing and Connections
Honoring Addison Kempf

The Westview PTSA Mental Wellbeing and Connections (MWC) Committee was developed to provide awareness, education and resources to address student mental health challenges and build connections for our families and community at Westview High School.
On May 8, 2023, Addison Kempf tragically took her life. Addison was one of our PUSD students and, as a community, we are heartbroken and devastated. Suicide is the leading cause of death in young people ages 15-24. We at MWC are asking ourselves, what can we do to stop these tragedies and better serve our teens and young adults?
We are honored that the Kempf family has chosen to direct donations, in honor of Addison’s memory, to the Wellness Through Connections Committee at Westview. We all have a similar goal of helping others like Addison who are in need of mental health support.
Your generous donations will help create programs that will provide resources and education on teen mental health and drug abuse and also provide connections for parents/caregivers, staff, and students of our Westview community. The WTC committee is working locally to provide support on the ground to benefit more of our Westview community and all of PUSD. Together we can make a difference and help support families with their mental health challenges and create more opportunities for wellness.
Thank you for supporting our students in honor of Addison Kempf.