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May 2016 Newsletter

Todd Cassen, Westview Principal Message


Hello Westview Community Members,

As I begin to write this message there are only 26 days left in our school year, and we are right in the middle of National Teacher Appreciation Week. Graduation day is on the horizon for the Class of 2016, yet my morning was spent building the framework for our 2016-2017 master schedule. Hectic times for sure, but I would have to believe the best use of this message to our community would be to thank the wonderful educators we have here at Westview

Volunteer at Prom! 

The month of May is filled with exciting year end events with one of the most anticipated is Prom. Thank you in advance for considering volunteering yourtime. Click on the link to sign up!

Grad Nite Tickets

June 9th is right around the corner and if you have not purchased your teens Grad Nite ticket the time to do so is now. The ticket price is currently $115 until the end of May and then the price increases to $125. Purchasing a Grad Nite ticket is easy. Simply go to the Grad Nite site. 


PTSA Senior Scholarships

PTSA is pleased to annouce we are accepting applications for senior scholarships. The deadline to apply is May 18th. Head over to the PTSA website for all the details! 

Each year it seems the beginning of the school year and the end are the busiest times for everyone.  Do you recall the hustle and bustle of registration, the launch of the new semester and settling into 2015 - 2016?  Now we are busy wrapping up what we began this school year and time has gone by really fast!


In the midst of our "hurry", my hope is that we take time to appreciate the months that we've had together, reflect on our successes and celebrate how much we've grown and accomplished. It only takes a moment to pause, reflect & express gratitude.


As I complete my two-year term as President of Westview PTSA I am reminded of the people who effortlessly give their time to our brilliant school.  Westview volunteers motivate me to contribute more and expand my desire to give back. Thank you to the Westview community for lending a hand, being collaborative for the greater good and willing to do all of it without any expectation in return. 


With Gratitude,

Kari Shea

Westview PTSA President


Kari Shea, PTSA President Message


Westview Ranks Among the Top 100 High Schools in California and the Country!

Donate Today

Grad Nite 2016

Making a cash donation is a terrific way to support Grad Nite! Your generosity will go a long way creating a celebration the Westview Class of 2016 will remember for years to come. You can mail or drop off a check to the school made payable to PTSA Grad Nite. If it is easier just follow the link below to donate on-line. Thank you!

WV rank

On a daily basis our ninety three teachers step onto our campus prepared to create an exceptional learning environment for all of the students in their classes. The morning bell rings and our students begin their journey to their first period class, where the focus on learning begins in earnest for the day. Every classroom environment is as different as the students and teachers that occupy it for nearly ninety minutes, four times a day. Having been in every single classroom this year I can tell you that your Westview student is in good hands.  Our teachers are true professionals who care about the well-being of our students while leading them through the learning process. The high level of respect for everyone in the classroom is evident, as is the personal connection that for some will never go away, even as they exit our campus on graduation day. I say it all the time that Westview is a very special place, and a lot of that can be attributed to the educational professionals that call Westview home. So if you have a minute in the next couple of days, reach out and thank a couple of your student's teachers. They truly do great work, and we often forget to thank the ones that make a difference in the lives of our children.

I hope you have a great day, and Go Westview!

Todd Cassen

donate grad night
Prom Volunteer
grad nite tickets
ptsa scholarship

If you have ever considered having the experience of welcoming a foreign exchange student into your home, AFS, a worldwide foreign exchange program is currently placing students in the San Diego area. We are hoping to place one or two students at Westview for the 2016-2017 school year.

There will be an informative meeting for those interested in finding out more about this experience on May 15th (Sun) at 7:00 pm at 12129 Salix Way, Park Village area. Please RSVP to Bonnie at 619-871-4682.

This is a life changing experience for both the student and the family. We can change the world for the better, once student at a time. Come and learn more about this program.

For more information, please contact Bonnie Stark at


Schools! Discover the World:

Host a Foreign Exchange Student

US News & World Report released the rankings of California High School schools recently.  Put your hands together and give a round of applause to Westview's 38th place. When you consider the total number of high schools in California this is a monumental accomplishment. Follow the link to the US New & World Report site to explore further.


Although Westview ranks 38 in California, it ranks #1 in the hearts of PTSA.

Honorary Service Awards!

Please take part to recognize individuals or groups who have made an outstanding contribution to Westview youth, our school or the community.  This includes parents, clubs, coaches, staff, etc. Click here for a complete description of the awards and the committee.  Send your nominations to or fill out the online form here by May 20, 2016.  Thank you for participating!  ​ 

Foreign Exchange

Open PTSA Board Positions School Year 2016-2017

Do you want to contribute and be involved at Westview? Consider serving on the Westview PTSA Board 2016-217. Serving on the Board is a rewarding experience and also a fun way to make new friends. Send an email to Nicole Sanseverino with your interest level: 

or visit (click on the Volunteer tab) 

service award
ptsa board

Grad Nite 2016 - June 9th!

As Presidient of PTSA one of the most satisfying rewards is to experience the smiling faces and sheer excitement of Westview graduates at their very own Grad Nite celebration. Last year myself, along with many other parents, spent the entire night on campus supporting and watching over more than 450 Westview graduates having the time of their lives. You may or may not know that Grad Nite is a PTSA program and made possible year after year because of parent volunteers and the Westview community. Since last summer Westview parents have been planning, meeting, raising money, organizing entertainment & food in preparation for Grad Nite 2016. It honestly takes a village to put on an event of this magnitude and I feel honored to participate in that village. I invite you to pause and then take a moment to see how you can be involved.


Something easy to do is send a quick email to the Grad Nite 2016 committee and see what they need. There are countless ways to contribute, so don't hesitate to connect with them. You may surprise yourself how much fun you have and how good it feels to be involved. The email address is or visit


With appreciation,

Kari Shea

Westview PTSA President


Grad Nte

Recruiting "Registration Leaders" for school year 2016-2017 


Believe it or not planning is well underway for the next school year. PTSA is seeking two people to lead the way for coordinating, organizing and having fun with volunteers during Registration Week. You will be working closely with Westview Administrators, which is an added bonus because they're all so awesome! No experience is required! You only need a positive attitude and the desire to make a difference. Please reach out to Nicole Sanseverino, incoming PTSA President if you or anyone you know is interested. Nicole's email is Thank you so much!


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